USA Now Recycling an Astonishing 100% of MLM Pyramid Scheme TRASH
Have you ever heard the negative things about network marketing?
Oh I bet you have. "It's a pyramid scheme..." "Only the people at the top make money..." "You'll end up with a garage full of products..." "I knew a guy who got into one of those things and...etc.,etc.,etc!
Listen, we know what's being said out there. We haven't been living under a rock. But we don't run and hide from this bad rap...we face it straight on.
Very few other successful network marketers would even dare bring this up to you.
Let me tell you, in 20 years in this business, I've met countless other network marketing "gurus" who run and bury their head in the sand when the slightest hint of negativity comes their way about this industry. I don't know why people are so scared and avoid it like the plague.
So are YOU ready for the TRUTH! Let's clear the air right now once and for all...just you and me. And I welcome your questions and concerns anytime.
The TRUTH is that pyramids are in Egypt and Mexico... The people at the top make lots of money...and I have enough people to fill a small village dangling around in the MIDDLE of my organization/downline that would laugh hysterically at the notion that only the people at the top make the money (and in fact, in your organization, you're always at the top)...
There's no such thing as frontloading (filling your garage full of products) anymore...it is against the law and Agel WILL NOT ALLOW IT IF YOU TRIED. That's an old practice that went out of style with neon belts and mullets...and when you team with us that's the last thing that could ever happen.
We MOVE PRODUCTS and people gobble up our products faster than you could fill a shelf in the garage. And that guy you knew either didn't try, wasn't committed, wasn't ethical, and probably had an upline, or "so-called" trainers that knew about as much as he did.
Here's the thing. I understand your concerns. If you had none I'd actually worry about you a little bit. But if you're going to let rumors, myths, and outdated info keep you from following your dreams then there's no reason to continue hoping.
This means you're not ready, and you need to step aside and let someone else who is ready take your place. We don't need to hide from the negativity because we've already proved it all wrong, and the countless thousands of people who've become financially independent and changed their lives forever because of what we've showed them have given extra weight to that proof.
Stop living in fear, and change your life starting today, and you'll be the one laughing all the way to the bank. And besides, I already told you that I'm not going to have you bugging all your friends and family. But I can't guarantee that they won't start bugging you when they see your car still in the driveway while they're on their way to work.
Give me a call. Tell me what's bothering you and MAYBE I can ease your fears. If not...well then you're just not ready. No biggie.
“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.”
Be the best you can be….every day!
David Feinstein
1 comment:
A great commentary on the falacies of the network marketing industry. Glad we're bursting the bubble!
Remember everyone...This is not your father's MLM industry...it's brand rocking new...modern, hip, technology driven and PROFESSIONAL!
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