If you’re in business for yourself, then you no doubt know that the survival of that business depends on your marketing.
You know that in order to survive you need to have prospects coming into your realm of business constantly.
For that to happen you have to be advertising constantly and consistently. Depending on your business or industry, your marketing tactics may vary, but one thing that will not is the fact that everything you do, every ad that you put out there, must get a response. And by response I mean a positive one…not hate mail.
For simplicity sake, we’ll talk about writing a simple ad. Let’s say a simple classified ad to get leads to either call or go to a website.
First Thing’s First
Before you write anything at all, you must have one thing in mind which is the purpose of the ad. In other words, what ACTION do you want the reader to take? Are they going to make a call to an 800 number, go to a website, or send a self-stamped envelope…whatever it is…you have to know.
The next thing you MUST know (this maybe should have gone first) is who you’re talking to. Exactly who are they? What do they want? What are they looking for? Why would they need what you’re offering? Are they male or female? How old? What do they do for fun? Where do they likely work?
You’re probably wondering why you need to know all of this for a tiny little classified ad. The truth is that unless you know who you’re talking to, you have absolutely no way of knowing what makes these people tick. This is vital and should not be overlooked.
Time to Write the Ad…Elements Explained!
The most crucial element of the ad itself is, always has been, and always will be the headline. This is your chance to catch the prospect that you’re looking for’s attention. In a small ad, one of best ways to do that is to ask a question using the problem or a benefit.
Tired of feeling tired?
Want more hair?
Who Else Wants to Get More Girls?
The other sure way is with a “How to Headline”
How to Stop Feeling Tired Constantly
How to Grow More Hair Fast
How to Get More Girls to Go Out With You
The next element is the body of the ad. This can be short or long depending on the space you have available. Usually if you have the space, you should use it. Classified ads in a newspaper are usually very limited and much harder to write, as opposed to sites like Craigslist, or Ads at different forums and such.
Note: The same could be argued for email copy
The key is to always think benefits. People don’t care how many ingredients your vitamin has, or what chemicals are in your cleaner, or how many buttons your widget has.
What they do care about though is what the vitamin’s ingredients will do for them. More energy, better memory, better sex drive, etc. Is the cleaner safe for the kids to inhale, Does it create a long lasting shine? Does it get tough stains?
Last but not least you MUST have a call to action. An ad without this is pointless. You need to tell people what to do or they’ll likely not do it. That’s human nature.
Call Now!
Go to Site Now!
Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope Today!
Hopefully you’ll be able to write some ads that get response now.
You know that in order to survive you need to have prospects coming into your realm of business constantly.
For that to happen you have to be advertising constantly and consistently. Depending on your business or industry, your marketing tactics may vary, but one thing that will not is the fact that everything you do, every ad that you put out there, must get a response. And by response I mean a positive one…not hate mail.
For simplicity sake, we’ll talk about writing a simple ad. Let’s say a simple classified ad to get leads to either call or go to a website.
First Thing’s First
Before you write anything at all, you must have one thing in mind which is the purpose of the ad. In other words, what ACTION do you want the reader to take? Are they going to make a call to an 800 number, go to a website, or send a self-stamped envelope…whatever it is…you have to know.
The next thing you MUST know (this maybe should have gone first) is who you’re talking to. Exactly who are they? What do they want? What are they looking for? Why would they need what you’re offering? Are they male or female? How old? What do they do for fun? Where do they likely work?
You’re probably wondering why you need to know all of this for a tiny little classified ad. The truth is that unless you know who you’re talking to, you have absolutely no way of knowing what makes these people tick. This is vital and should not be overlooked.
Time to Write the Ad…Elements Explained!
The most crucial element of the ad itself is, always has been, and always will be the headline. This is your chance to catch the prospect that you’re looking for’s attention. In a small ad, one of best ways to do that is to ask a question using the problem or a benefit.
Tired of feeling tired?
Want more hair?
Who Else Wants to Get More Girls?
The other sure way is with a “How to Headline”
How to Stop Feeling Tired Constantly
How to Grow More Hair Fast
How to Get More Girls to Go Out With You
The next element is the body of the ad. This can be short or long depending on the space you have available. Usually if you have the space, you should use it. Classified ads in a newspaper are usually very limited and much harder to write, as opposed to sites like Craigslist, or Ads at different forums and such.
Note: The same could be argued for email copy
The key is to always think benefits. People don’t care how many ingredients your vitamin has, or what chemicals are in your cleaner, or how many buttons your widget has.
What they do care about though is what the vitamin’s ingredients will do for them. More energy, better memory, better sex drive, etc. Is the cleaner safe for the kids to inhale, Does it create a long lasting shine? Does it get tough stains?
Last but not least you MUST have a call to action. An ad without this is pointless. You need to tell people what to do or they’ll likely not do it. That’s human nature.
Call Now!
Go to Site Now!
Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope Today!
Hopefully you’ll be able to write some ads that get response now.
I’ll leave you with this famous quote by Dr.Martin Luthor King: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”
Wishing you success…every day…
David Feinstein
Wishing you success…every day…
David Feinstein
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