Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When Should You Collect Social Security?

So today I'm reading this article about "When you should collect social security" and I decided that it's an appropriate subject for a blog post that expresses my position and opinion for you.

The article goes on to say; "Forget about your investments for a moment. Yes, I know, your portfolio has lost more than 30 percent in a year, but chances are there's another critical financial issue that you've spent a whole lot less time thinking about. "

Now my friends, I don't know about you, but honestly, I don't have any intention of being DEPENDENT on Social Security benefits to provide for my lifestyle. Oh, and I'm saying that today at age 65! You see the SYSTEM that is provided through the government, for which I have paid into thru my taxes, isn't nearly enough to provide for my monthly overhead costs, let alone vacations or any "luxuries".

Unfortunately most of us were brought up by our parents with the following message; "Go to school, get an education and then get a job and you'll be set for life". Well I'm here to tell you that I was never a subscriber to that philiosophy. Oh believe me it's not that I didn't respect my parents or believe that they believed the philosophy....it just wasn't something that I was able to believe in...and let me tell you why.

You see even at a young age I was a DREAMER. Yes, I know, a kid brought up in a lower-middle-income family in the Bronx in the 1950's was DREAMING?? Yes, other than girls, I dreamed of a better lifestyle...not just for myself but my parents and brother as well. I believed that if I dedicated myself to CREATING my dreams into reality, that I can have, do, and become anything I wanted to do...I believed that I was the creator of my WORLD...yup, David's World!

And so with all the self-confidence my parents helped to build in me, and all the belief in myself I had, and the decision NOT to live in a CO-DEPENDENT relationship living off of my parents for years and years to come, I set down the path of INDEPENDENCE...yup, free thinking and ways that I could EMPOWER myself to achieve and become the person I wanted to become!

And so at the age of 12 I became an ENTREPRENEUR and started my own newspaper route in the Bronx with a few boys working for me (part time)...oh and did I forget to mention that this was 1955? And I was CLEARING $75 a week from my newspaper routes after paying my overhead costs (newspapers + my delivery boys)...and of that money, I gave $25 weekly to my parents, and kept the rest for myself to start to build my future! Yup age 12.

That was the beginning of my personal Entrepreneurial journey...and my experience and success just continued to build and multiply...and my BELIEF and SELF-ESTEEM continued to build and multiply...and I had a following of friends and "business associates" from public school to high school all the way through College and that "TRIBE" continues today.

So, I began this blog thinking about "WHEN SHOULD YOU COLLECT SOCIAL SECURITY? ...hey wasn't that the way this thing began? Well my friends I'm here to tell you that in today's world you need to create YOUR OWN FINANCIAL BENEFIT PACKAGE for your future retirement while building TODAY for your lifestyle and family LEGACY.

One of the greatest benefits of the Network Marketing Industry is the concept of creating a RESIDUAL INCOME....yeah I know, you've heard it a hundred times or more...but let me emphasize it once again....When you build a NETWORK of like minded people who all have the same interest, goals, dreams, desires and are thinking about their own PERSONAL FREEDOM you can create that stream of residual income no place better than right here in the Network Marketing Profession.

You see a J-O-B will never provide you with "residual income"...it will provide you with current income to pay your bills...but will never give you that FREEDOM that you've been dreaming about...that you hear about...that you yearn for...that you WANT PASSIONATELY. Your JOB will get you from here-to-there...and not much further.

Oh yes, there is that future "Social Security Benefit" that you can wait for till you're 62 or so that can continue to help you to pay your bills....BUT WAIT A DAMN MINUTE...


Wake up friends to the reality of today...it just ain't going to happen with the pathway that you're walking down right now....NOT UNLESS you're prepared to make a change in your life....YOU MUST GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and finally, yes FINALLY be ready to take the plunge...TAKE A RISK....it's only your future (and that of your family too!)..

So, let me ask you this question...are you getting what you want out of your life? Are you living and achieving your dreams today? Are you living the lifestyle that you want for you and your family? Are you ENJOYING YOUR STRUGGLE?

OK..enough...I said ENOUGH....now it's your turn....it's your turn to make a decision...either stop reading this RIGHT NOW...or take the damn plunge....And if you're a "tire kicker" then go kick some tires....but go someplace else...not here...this is for people who WANT to change their lives...starting RIGHT NOW!

I am seeking RIGHT NOW...YES RIGHT NOW...some new eager people who are looking for a solution and want to be mentored...that's right, mentored and coached to acheive the success they are seeking....I know, you're asking yourself so will this cost me anything? My simple answer to you is DUH...there is NO FREE LUNCH!

But I promise you that the VALUE and benefits you will receive will far outstrip the minimal investment you will make to take this plunge for your FREEDOM!
So, if you're really interested and you're serious...I want you to go to this website...review the information there...FILL OUT the information required...and I'll be PERSONALLY in touch with you to discuss your intentions and see if we're "on the same page" ....

I look forward to hearing from you....and remember "DARE TO DREAM"!

Monday, May 25, 2009

How to Write an Ad that Gets Response

If you’re in business for yourself, then you no doubt know that the survival of that business depends on your marketing.

You know that in order to survive you need to have prospects coming into your realm of business constantly.

For that to happen you have to be advertising constantly and consistently. Depending on your business or industry, your marketing tactics may vary, but one thing that will not is the fact that everything you do, every ad that you put out there, must get a response. And by response I mean a positive one…not hate mail.

For simplicity sake, we’ll talk about writing a simple ad. Let’s say a simple classified ad to get leads to either call or go to a website.

First Thing’s First

Before you write anything at all, you must have one thing in mind which is the purpose of the ad. In other words, what ACTION do you want the reader to take? Are they going to make a call to an 800 number, go to a website, or send a self-stamped envelope…whatever it is…you have to know.

The next thing you MUST know (this maybe should have gone first) is who you’re talking to. Exactly who are they? What do they want? What are they looking for? Why would they need what you’re offering? Are they male or female? How old? What do they do for fun? Where do they likely work?

You’re probably wondering why you need to know all of this for a tiny little classified ad. The truth is that unless you know who you’re talking to, you have absolutely no way of knowing what makes these people tick. This is vital and should not be overlooked.

Time to Write the Ad…Elements Explained!

The most crucial element of the ad itself is, always has been, and always will be the headline. This is your chance to catch the prospect that you’re looking for’s attention. In a small ad, one of best ways to do that is to ask a question using the problem or a benefit.

Tired of feeling tired?
Want more hair?
Who Else Wants to Get More Girls?

The other sure way is with a “How to Headline”

How to Stop Feeling Tired Constantly
How to Grow More Hair Fast
How to Get More Girls to Go Out With You

The next element is the body of the ad. This can be short or long depending on the space you have available. Usually if you have the space, you should use it. Classified ads in a newspaper are usually very limited and much harder to write, as opposed to sites like Craigslist, or Ads at different forums and such.

Note: The same could be argued for email copy

The key is to always think benefits. People don’t care how many ingredients your vitamin has, or what chemicals are in your cleaner, or how many buttons your widget has.

What they do care about though is what the vitamin’s ingredients will do for them. More energy, better memory, better sex drive, etc. Is the cleaner safe for the kids to inhale, Does it create a long lasting shine? Does it get tough stains?

Last but not least you MUST have a call to action. An ad without this is pointless. You need to tell people what to do or they’ll likely not do it. That’s human nature.

Call Now!
Go to Site Now!
Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope Today!

Hopefully you’ll be able to write some ads that get response now.

I’ll leave you with this famous quote by Dr.Martin Luthor King: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”
Wishing you success…every day…
David Feinstein

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to Be Partners with Your Spouse…Without Killing Each Other

Having a home business over the last 2 decades, one of the things that make Ann and I different from most married couples in the world is that we work together.

We’re partners in our business.

What that means is that we’ve had to learn to work with each other. Being in this business, we’ve seen a lot of other couples having to do the same things, some where it’s worked, and other’s where…well…not so much.

Partnering with your spouse can be looked at two different ways. I look at it as a blessing. Neither of us has to get up and go to work in the morning for some corporation that really doesn’t give a hoot about us. We work in a caring environment, shoulder to shoulder with someone who absolutely loves us.

Well, okay, part of that statement isn’t exactly true and for a very good reason. You see, we don’t actually work shoulder to shoulder…in fact we work on separate floors of the home. Could this be part of our secret to success? I suppose it’s a large element yes.

That’s not to say though that we don’t still work great as a team.

One thing that’s very important to our success is that we are very respectful of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Well, Ann is respectful of my weaknesses…I haven’t found her to have any yet. Hmmm!

But she does have some strength’s that certainly shine, and benefit us spectacularly.

In our business we have to motivate people. We have to make people accountable. But it has to be done in a very specific way. It has to be done through training.

Guess what. Ann is an incredible trainer and motivator and so that’s the tasks that she takes on most. She trains our new members to our team, and motivates them to go out there and find strength where they didn’t know they had it. She leads them to success.

Also in business, if you’re going to stand out from the crowd (and network marketing is very competitive)…you have to have great out of the box marketing. That’s where I come in. It’s actually the part that I thoroughly enjoy. It’s also one of my strengths.

Bringing in new recruits through offline and online marketing is my biggest part in the business, and then when they [new members] come on board Ann jumps in and trains them to go on to radical success. It’s a system that we’ve developed and it’s worked wonders for us.

Another key factor in business is decision making. The decisions that we make today will effect our business tomorrow, and from here on out. Sure, some less than good (okay bad) decisions sneak through the cracks, but for the most part our decisions have helped make us successful.

But that being said, all of our decisions are made together! We carefully scrutinize our choices, the consequences, and the possible rewards of those decisions and we weigh them out. This can occur over dinner, over the phone when one of us is away, or even through Skype messaging. Yes we Skype each other up and down the stairs. There’s a lot of stairs.

The bottom line is that we make the decisions together and we’re both accountable for those decisions. And when there’s a bad one, we chalk it up to simply learning one way something won’t work, and neither holds it against the other.

Can any couple work together as partners? I suspect that the answer to that question is no. However, I do believe that if you plan out your business, figure out the strengths and weaknesses of one another, make decisions that are mutual and thought out, and give each other their own space it puts the odds in your favor.

Oh, and if you’re a husband, and it comes down to it, always listen to your wife. For some darn reason they’re always right. So annoying (LOL)!

I'll leave you with this famous quote by Dr.Martin Luthor King: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”
Wishing you success...every day...

Monday, May 18, 2009

When Your Spouse Just Doesn’t Get Your Entrepreneur Bug

If the title of this article caught your eye, then it’s likely that your spouse just doesn’t “get” the whole entrepreneur/ home business thing you’ve got going on.

It may even be causing problems with your marriage, especially if you’ve decided to jump in with both feet.

Fortunately for me I was lucky, and Ann caught the entrepreneurial bug on her own…basically as a result of her discouragement from working 60 plus hours a week in her concrete prison cell, in the middle of New York City’s concrete jungle as a management consultant.

However being in the industry that we’re in, we actually meet the people that we do business with on a personal level.

More often than not it’s one half of the couple who is interested in being their own boss, while the other isn’t as thrilled with the idea.

The reasons for this vary, but for the most part you can whittle it down to a few common denominators. It’s important to know these factors so that you can empathize with your spouse about them, and be able to come up with some sort of deal that doesn’t negatively affect the marriage.

First of all there’s the comfort zone factor. Let’s face it, people just don’t like to be out of their comfort zone, and when you start getting these “crazy” ideas in your head about working from home, being your own boss…your spouse may very well think that you’ve become certifiable.

The reason is that they have been raised and conditioned to think in the employment mindset their entire lives…and anything outside of that paradigm scope is just not rational in their minds.

So the comfort factor begins to raise the fear factor. This fear factor is essentially the fear of losing security.

You see, most in our society live and die by feeling secure. They feel like if they have a job to go to everyday that they’ll always have that job. They also think that this is the only way to generate an income, so when talk of quitting jobs starts coming into play they sort of panic.

That’s natural, because insecurity really puts you out of your comfort zone.

Little do they realize though, especially in this economy is that security is ephemeral and is about as real as the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. Basically all jobs are now created on a foundation of quicksand.

So there you have it. In essence when you start getting bright eyed and bushy-tailed with your entrepreneurial thoughts…your spouse basically wants to crawl into a hole somewhere.

You’re taking them out of their comfort zone, which leads to fear and insecurity.

This usually causes a huge uproar simply because entrepreneurial spouse doesn’t “get” why their spouse is so upset and what’s going through their minds. You (the entrepreneur) take it as an insult and a lack of support, when what it really is, is a deep seeded emotion… hard-wired from years of conditioning.

Now that you may understand the thought process that your spouse is going through, you can now take steps to address these thoughts with more patience and understanding. You can also dive in at a pace that makes your spouse more comfortable.

The bottom line however is that you HAVE TO live your own dreams and do what suits you best as well. So there does come a time when there MUST be a compromise. Whether it’s a deal breaker or not is up to you, and the emphasis you put on your marriage. I’m not here to be a marriage counselor.

Hopefully this little bit of understanding that I’ve provided you will go a long way in easing a lot of un-needed pain and suffering.

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.”

Be the best you can be….every day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

USA Now Recycling an Astonishing 100% of MLM Pyramid Scheme TRASH

USA Now Recycling an Astonishing 100% of MLM Pyramid Scheme TRASH

Have you ever heard the negative things about network marketing?

Oh I bet you have. "It's a pyramid scheme..." "Only the people at the top make money..." "You'll end up with a garage full of products..." "I knew a guy who got into one of those things and...etc.,etc.,etc!

Listen, we know what's being said out there. We haven't been living under a rock. But we don't run and hide from this bad rap...we face it straight on.

Very few other successful network marketers would even dare bring this up to you.

Let me tell you, in 20 years in this business, I've met countless other network marketing "gurus" who run and bury their head in the sand when the slightest hint of negativity comes their way about this industry. I don't know why people are so scared and avoid it like the plague.

So are YOU ready for the TRUTH! Let's clear the air right now once and for all...just you and me. And I welcome your questions and concerns anytime.

The TRUTH is that pyramids are in Egypt and Mexico... The people at the top make lots of money...and I have enough people to fill a small village dangling around in the MIDDLE of my organization/downline that would laugh hysterically at the notion that only the people at the top make the money (and in fact, in your organization, you're always at the top)...

There's no such thing as frontloading (filling your garage full of products) anymore...it is against the law and Agel WILL NOT ALLOW IT IF YOU TRIED. That's an old practice that went out of style with neon belts and mullets...and when you team with us that's the last thing that could ever happen.

We MOVE PRODUCTS and people gobble up our products faster than you could fill a shelf in the garage. And that guy you knew either didn't try, wasn't committed, wasn't ethical, and probably had an upline, or "so-called" trainers that knew about as much as he did.

Here's the thing. I understand your concerns. If you had none I'd actually worry about you a little bit. But if you're going to let rumors, myths, and outdated info keep you from following your dreams then there's no reason to continue hoping.

This means you're not ready, and you need to step aside and let someone else who is ready take your place. We don't need to hide from the negativity because we've already proved it all wrong, and the countless thousands of people who've become financially independent and changed their lives forever because of what we've showed them have given extra weight to that proof.

Stop living in fear, and change your life starting today, and you'll be the one laughing all the way to the bank. And besides, I already told you that I'm not going to have you bugging all your friends and family. But I can't guarantee that they won't start bugging you when they see your car still in the driveway while they're on their way to work.

Give me a call. Tell me what's bothering you and MAYBE I can ease your fears. If not...well then you're just not ready. No biggie.

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.”

Be the best you can be….every day!
David Feinstein

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why You MUST be using Social Media Marketing Today

There are a several advantages when it comes to marketing your website using Social Media Marketing

  1. You will become the “expert” in your field to your potential customers and prospects by answering questions, and of course giving value.

  2. Thru social media websites/blogs you can provide great content of value to your prospects and others who read your information and it becomes quite valuable to you since it becomes internet “searchable” and can be viewed and discovered by all who are searching.

  3. You create a BUZZ by providing value and information about what you do, your business, services and products. And as people review your information and leave comments, you potentially have an even larger reaching audience…many of whom can become real prospects and then real customers.

  4. When you connect thru social media websites, you establish relationships and a rapport with your readers. You can of course be using that information as they express their views, opinions and their needs…and you can help to provide and fill that void to be of value and service to them.

  5. While you are building your following thru social media marketing, some will be spreading the word about you and your expertise…this can create a very fast internet buzz that can translate to business success for you.

  6. Using social media marketing is a wonderful modern day arena and platform for you to develop your “brand”.

  7. As you build your following you will naturally see that it extends beyond your town, city, state and even country…it will happen naturally thru the internet.

  8. The internet and social media websites allows you to be personally interfacing (and your staff if you have) directly with the prospect and customer creating great relationships and “customer service”. The ability of giving information and content information through your website in turn gives a VALUE ADDED relationship beyond just “service”…and naturally you are becoming the “expert” to your following.

  9. The internet gives you the ability to keep an eye on your competition and see what they’re doing to drive business their way…and you can quickly make marketing corrections as needed.

  10. One of the beauties of social media marketing is that you are getting to understand and have relationships with your prospects and customers and building trust. Again, by giving value to your relationship more trust is built between you and your customer.

To get more tips, ideas and create valuable relationships, learn more by contacting David & Ann Feinstein at; davidf@pbiworld.com, or call us at: 215-321-1400 .

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Web (Internet) can become Your City

Just think about a city....yes, even Your city. If you think of the web as being the city that You decide you want to build, then think about building the roads, which of course are links that you are creating…picture an “internet city” that you create!

Of course no city is complete without having buildings; well those are your websites that you build.

It's all in your hands and you control the design and layout of your city...you will create the movie theatres, the entertainment that you want to provide in your city, the parks and recreation areas for people to come to and enjoy and "hang out".

If you're using the web as a focus for your business… how do you see yourself? Are you the Mayor of your city? You even get to run the police department and control the media (what's being said...."what's all the buzz"...)

If you look at the web as your city then think about what matters most to you...what messages do you want your "city dwellers" to hear and see?

Since the web is not physical in nature and exists out in "cyber-space", you can create the look, feel and inter-relationships between those that live in your city and those just visiting.

So, if someone is visiting your city, what messages, what information do you want them to leave with after their visit?

What do you want them to take back to their friends from their experience in your city?

Did someone say NEWYORKCITY.com??? Or did they say CREATESUCCESS.com ??? Your city, your choice!

Hey…”we built this city on Rock N Roll”!

Remember…“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.”

Be the best you can be….every day!

David Feinstein