So what's the HOLY GRAIL of Network Marketing and an ONLINE Internet marketing business? Do you know the answer? Let me share with you the following!
If you have a business where leads are the life blood, such as a network marketing or internet marketing business, then you’re constantly looking for new ways to obtain fresh leads and prospects. Without them your business becomes stagnant and very quickly dies off.
Because of this, there is always someone trying to tout their new lead generation system that’s supposed to do magical wonders for you and your business, and bring you in thousands and thousands of leads in one fall swoop. Now, to be honest there are ways that this is possible, but the truth is that these ways are often very, very expensive, making each lead come at an extremely high price…so much so that if they don’t convert then you’re eating a lot of the money that you’re spending. In fact I think it’s safe to say that the majority of lead generation systems, or even leads that you can purchase, are money losers rather than winners.
Now comes along Message Magic, which claims that you can tap into an endless supply of leads with their software. This obviously, after probably getting burned from system after system leads you to wonder if this is the going to be true with Message Magic as well. It requires you to ponder whether the $14.95 per month is worth it for you.
Before we can answer that question there are some very important aspects to consider for yourself and your business. First of all, if you’re in a position where $14.95 is going to be detrimental to your lifestyle then you should definitely refrain from using Message Magic at this point.
What you should probably do though if you have a business and you’re in this position is to figure out why your business isn’t working and whether or not you’re in the right business opportunity at all.
You also should consider if who’s training you, for instance your upline if you’re in network marketing is worth following. If not, you may want to consider Agel Enterprises and let my wife Ann and I (David Feinstein) show you the way to success the same way that we’ve shown thousands of people already in our 20 plus years in the network marketing industry.
If you can afford the $14.95 a month without starving yourself and your family then the truth is that Message Magic is one of the best investments that you can make for your business at this moment. Here’s why….
Message Magic integrates with Skype, which lets you tap into a well of prospects so vast and wide that you’ll never be able to run that well dry. Skype has 96 million users and growing each and every day. At the time of writing this, there are right now over 11 million people logged into Skype online right now. That’s a huge amount of people.
Now let’s think about the people who are on Skype. Since Skype is known as a very strong tool for online business…a tool for making conference calls and for saving a great deal of money on calls which every smart business owner always wants to do, then it’s safe to assume that a large number of these people who are online with Skype at any given moment are business savvy entrepreneurs. These are people that appreciate a new way to make money. Therefore, the users of Skype have a great potential in helping you grow your business when you think of them as possible prospects, wouldn’t you agree.
Well, with Message Magic you have the ability to contact these people, not one at a time, but by first selectively targeting groups of people onto your contact list through various definitions such as country, state, city, age, and gender.
But it goes well beyond that.
You also have the chance to select these future contacts through key terms such as money, MLM, network marketing, cash, business…or whatever term you’re looking for.
The part that makes Message Magic the true goldmine that it is however is that it then allows you to send out a broadcast message to your new contact list with the click of a button. Now let’s think about this. How often have you heard that the money is in the list? Did you know that internet marketers are constantly spending money, time, and effort to acquire a email list so that they can contact this list over and over with the click of a button. You now have the opportunity to do the very same thing for free, only using the never ending, and bottomless cup of prospects through the magic of Skype.
Used responsibly this is easily the greatest tool to come to the home business owner ever created, and for the mere price of $14.95 per month, it literally makes me wonder if the creators of this tool have lost their minds.
Go now and get your free 7 day trial, and I can confidently guess that you’ll love the it.
Any questions, contact: .