So the “buzzwords” of today is all about New Media Marketing. I thought I’d give some attention today to this topic and give my viewpoints.
Wikipedia defines New Media Marketing as follows:
“New Media Marketing is a relatively new concept utilized by businesses in developing an online community, which allows satisfied customers to congregate and extol the virtues of a particular brand. In most cases, the online community includes mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts, message boards, and product reviews, all of which contribute to a transparent forum to post praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions.
One of the primary arguments to promote New Media Marketing is the premise that traditional advertising is losing its influence on consumers. Backed by statistical evidence demonstrating a growing trend of consumers making purchasing decisions off Internet research and referrals. These advocates strongly adhere to the notion that consumers are more inclined to believe feedback from like-minded peers than corporate marketing verbiage dispersed through traditional television, radio, direct mail, or newspaper advertising.
New Media Marketing is most effectively marketed by Internet-driven technology such as blogs,RSS,Web video productions, and podcasts.”
OK, let’s get real here…New Media, the internet, radio… frankly; any media is nothing more than a channel of communication, which is just a conduit through which content, and connection flow.
Unfortunately, many people buy into the dream of riches through “internet marketing,” or the mistaken belief that “links” and “attention” through New Media channels will automatically bring them riches. They look to turn a “channel”, into a source of money itself.
As most of you know, my wife Ann and I are professional Network Marketers and Coaches. One of the best ways to get the word out about your company and business to people is through the power of the internet. We are believers and promoters of not just using the tried and true “old methods” of Network Marketing, but know and believe strongly, that unless you learn about Marketing, you’ll be working yourself into a frenzy with chasing after friends, family and the local dry cleaner and postman.
We teach people about the science of marketing…using a System to attract people to you like a magnet. We’re all searching for people who are looking…for what we have to offer. What can be better than being in touch with the many millions of people who are searching on the internet for EXACTLY what we are promoting?
The first thing you need to understand is that success is no mystery. Success is no "secret" locked up in some cave that you will never discover. In fact...the secret to success is so simple, so 'in front of most people's faces', that they miss it completely.
What we are about to share with you makes real sense. It will resonate in your heart, and in your mind, because it's the absolute REAL information we have learned over the past 20 years...that has made us millions of dollars.
And if you take what we are about to share with you to heart...there is no way in heck you can't create as much success as we've had, if not more.
So "what's the secret", you ask?
It's actually two things. In order to build the lifestyle of your dreams, and create a walk away residual income that pays you for the rest of your life, you need to master these two things: 1. Marketing, and 2. Leadership.
That’s it my friends. And when you LEARN how to be a master marketer, able to command the exact people you need to grow a huge business right to you, You can make an absolute fortune.
When you top that off with REAL leadership, personal development, and psychological branding will be a force for success more powerful than a hurricane.
So what exactly are we going to teach you...
Let's get something straight first ... when you follow along, and allow us to coach you, you will be introduced to the business model we are building right now...that is creating us mammoth amounts of wealth.
We're going to show you how you are at the absolute perfect timing to build a profitable business for yourself, and then how you can partner up with us to get the real marketing and leadership coaching you need to be massively successful.
But before we show you the same systems, strategies, teachings, and trainings we're using right have to understand why it's so important you partner up with people who TRULY have value to offer you...and can show you what's working in our world right now to build successful businesses.
Never have to call someone who isn’t interested in your business again and how to explode your business without having to resort to painful and unwanted cold calls. And, imagine when you do call people, half of them are excited you are even calling them. When was the last time you called a prospect and they knew who you were, why you were calling, and were impressed that they were getting the chance to talk with you?
You see, we KNOW that the essence of every successful business in the world is learning how to Market. Once you learn how to market, you can create an endless amount of resources to grow your business at will...and that is exactly what we are going to teach you how to do.
Do you know what happens when ALL your prospects get funneled through the same streamlined marketing system? It means you get a Big Fat Paycheck each and every month. That's the magic of learning how to be a real marketer...and using these cutting edge strategies we're going to show you. You can create cash flow on demand...
We fully understand that reading information is FAR different from getting that information from the horses’ mouth...
Its one thing to read about the knowledge and opportunity we have to offer's an entirely different thing for us to communicate directly. In truth, that's where the real magic happens . That's when you know whether you resonate...whether you found your teachers and guide you to real success.
The sole reason we're fact the only real reason business even to help people get what they want. So let us know how we can help you.
It's time to reach out and GO AFTER what you want in life. You can take action steps right now, that will systematically move you closer to your goals of reaching massive financial success.
You can partner up with us right now...and start getting our expert mentorship and guidance immediately.
Folks, it’s now time to separate the merely CURIOUS who are just looking, from the TRULY SERIOUS who want to be part of our Mastermind Team.
Opportunity is pounding on your door right now... ready to break it down in fact. Will you answer?
So what’s your next step? Go visit our website; and fill out the information at the bottom of the page to get started with our exclusive group and welcome to your life transformation...
Wishing you the best of success,
Ann & David
Building a Dynamic Future,
David & Ann Feinstein