Sunday, October 19, 2008
Free Newsletter for you
Just CLICK HERE to take you to the subscribe now page.
As a gift for subscribing to our Partner and Profit Newsletter, I'd like to give you a Free Report called Discover The Secrets of Rock Star Riches. CLICK HERE to download your copy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Learn My Coveted Secrets
I love this....learn the
Now is your it's time to play Your Song...Hey friends, if I have to try to convince you to read this, then just forget about it...but if you're open to the possibility that I know the Secret...then read this and check it out....Oh, and then get in touch with me if you are serious about moving forward.
My email is:
See ya soon...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Did someone say Free Leads?
So what's the HOLY GRAIL of Network Marketing and an ONLINE Internet marketing business? Do you know the answer? Let me share with you the following!
If you have a business where leads are the life blood, such as a network marketing or internet marketing business, then you’re constantly looking for new ways to obtain fresh leads and prospects. Without them your business becomes stagnant and very quickly dies off.
Because of this, there is always someone trying to tout their new lead generation system that’s supposed to do magical wonders for you and your business, and bring you in thousands and thousands of leads in one fall swoop. Now, to be honest there are ways that this is possible, but the truth is that these ways are often very, very expensive, making each lead come at an extremely high price…so much so that if they don’t convert then you’re eating a lot of the money that you’re spending. In fact I think it’s safe to say that the majority of lead generation systems, or even leads that you can purchase, are money losers rather than winners.
Now comes along Message Magic, which claims that you can tap into an endless supply of leads with their software. This obviously, after probably getting burned from system after system leads you to wonder if this is the going to be true with Message Magic as well. It requires you to ponder whether the $14.95 per month is worth it for you.
Before we can answer that question there are some very important aspects to consider for yourself and your business. First of all, if you’re in a position where $14.95 is going to be detrimental to your lifestyle then you should definitely refrain from using Message Magic at this point.
What you should probably do though if you have a business and you’re in this position is to figure out why your business isn’t working and whether or not you’re in the right business opportunity at all.
You also should consider if who’s training you, for instance your upline if you’re in network marketing is worth following. If not, you may want to consider Agel Enterprises and let my wife Ann and I (David Feinstein) show you the way to success the same way that we’ve shown thousands of people already in our 20 plus years in the network marketing industry.
If you can afford the $14.95 a month without starving yourself and your family then the truth is that Message Magic is one of the best investments that you can make for your business at this moment. Here’s why….
Message Magic integrates with Skype, which lets you tap into a well of prospects so vast and wide that you’ll never be able to run that well dry. Skype has 96 million users and growing each and every day. At the time of writing this, there are right now over 11 million people logged into Skype online right now. That’s a huge amount of people.
Now let’s think about the people who are on Skype. Since Skype is known as a very strong tool for online business…a tool for making conference calls and for saving a great deal of money on calls which every smart business owner always wants to do, then it’s safe to assume that a large number of these people who are online with Skype at any given moment are business savvy entrepreneurs. These are people that appreciate a new way to make money. Therefore, the users of Skype have a great potential in helping you grow your business when you think of them as possible prospects, wouldn’t you agree.
Well, with Message Magic you have the ability to contact these people, not one at a time, but by first selectively targeting groups of people onto your contact list through various definitions such as country, state, city, age, and gender.
But it goes well beyond that.
You also have the chance to select these future contacts through key terms such as money, MLM, network marketing, cash, business…or whatever term you’re looking for.
The part that makes Message Magic the true goldmine that it is however is that it then allows you to send out a broadcast message to your new contact list with the click of a button. Now let’s think about this. How often have you heard that the money is in the list? Did you know that internet marketers are constantly spending money, time, and effort to acquire a email list so that they can contact this list over and over with the click of a button. You now have the opportunity to do the very same thing for free, only using the never ending, and bottomless cup of prospects through the magic of Skype.
Used responsibly this is easily the greatest tool to come to the home business owner ever created, and for the mere price of $14.95 per month, it literally makes me wonder if the creators of this tool have lost their minds.
Go now and get your free 7 day trial, and I can confidently guess that you’ll love the it.
Any questions, contact: .
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I am honored to be one of the featured co-authors of a wonderful first of a series of books called "The Power Of Leadership...Finding The Leader Within".
My chapter is about Creating the leaders that WILL propel your Network Marketing Business!
It's a wonderful opportunity to spread the word globally about the WONDERS of the Network Marketing Industry with pride and professionalism.
This is the first of a series of 12 books that I'll be part of as a featured co-author, and together with my online articles that I continue writing, it is one of the many ways that I can contribute to so many "seeking change" from what I refer to as "living in quiet desperation'!
Are you seeking change? There's an old says "Change Is Good"....I believe that ANY change is good because we are ever evolving human beings that are always in a state of; experience, learning and "intelligent enlightenment".
You can enjoy the chapter by CLICKING HERE to download the PDF "How To Create The Leaders That Will Propel Your Network Marketing Business".
Wishing you all continued success in all you do...and remember to not only live life daily to the fullest, but spread the love my friends!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Why do most fail at their MLM businesses?
Do you know why most networking marketing (MLM) businesses fold in their first year? The answer may surprise you.
You probably know that most traditional, brick-and-mortar businesses (like a store or shop) fail in their first year because the expenses compared to revenues are just too great.
This is seldom the case with network marketing. There's very little investment required, you don't need to purchase large stocks of inventory,
and there's very little if any overhead because you are working from home. In fact you get paid for the home space used in the form of a tax write off.
So what is the cause of failure in network marketing business start-ups?
I can tell you in three words...
Lack of Commitment.
Most give up on their network marketing business in the first three months. They don't even give it time to grow!
Many people start out with a list of goals – reasons they want their own home-based business. For example...
• Time to enjoy life with my loved ones.
• Set my own work hours and conduct business wherever my phone or laptop will go.
• Lifetime financial security.
• Freedom to vacation when I want and where I want.
• Owning a sailboat with polished mahogany, cushy beds and a gourmet galley.
• Retiring in that home on the lake.
• Attending charity balls and auctions.
• Driving the car of my dreams.
• Owning a wardrobe that expresses who I am, not the bargain basement specials.
• Taking a cruise.
• Sleeping well at night, knowing my income is providing well for my family, and that as I sleep, my business is growing.
Dreams are important. Often when you ask someone why they want a home-based business, they will tell you right away what they don't want, what they want to escape – like the boring job, unappreciative boss, long hours, etc.
Knowing what you don't want is a start. But for true inspiration, consider what you do want. Take a few minutes and jot down a list of what you want from your business.
We can help you achieve these things, but you have to be committed.
You can't do it over night. You can enter the fast track to success if your desire is strong and you are committed.
Perhaps you've read the following quote. It's not written in modern day language; it's not hip, but it conveys an essential truth about success, one that can change your life.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, providence moves too.
"A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!'"
W.H. Murray
The Scottish Himalaya Expedition, 1951
Perhaps it was your decision to commit yourself to building your own online business that has led you to finding yourself at our website and the leadership and company that can make your dreams come true.
Are you ready to take that big step towards a prospering home business of your very own and the independence and lifestyle this can afford you, or are you "just thinking about it?"
Give this some thought. If the answer is "YES!" then let's get started. Give me a call at 215-321-1400 or email me your number and best time of day to email is; .
If you're not sure, I won't push you. That wouldn't help either of us. You'd forever feel nagged, and I'd forever have to drag you along.
We'd love to make you a leader in our business. But without commitment, not much can be accomplished.
If you're just thinking about it, take a tour of our site if you haven't yet, and weigh the pros and cons of continuing on your present day path or putting in a few extra hours a day to make your dreams come true.
Sure there are other paths to wealth, but I can promise you if you want to learn, we can teach you our tried and true method for achieving great success...
As leaders in the network marketing industry for over 20 years, my beautiful wife Ann and I know the way. We'd love to show you.
And with a company like ours, the fastest growing company in the industry, there's no limit to the success you can achieve.
To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your network marketing business correctly, visit; Building Dynamic Futures .
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Power Of Leadership
People are constantly asking me, David what are the key attributes of a Leader in the Network Marketing Industry. You know, what traits does one need to possess to attract people to them.
Well, I've recently been invited to contribute as an author to a book series called The Power Of Leadership. And I've written a contributing chapter called "How To Create The Leaders That Will Propel Your Network Marketing Business".
Shortly I'll be making available the book for all who are interested. It will be a wonderful compilation of chapters written by highly respected authors about The Power Of Leadership.
In the meantime, you can download my ebook for FREE by clicking here; The Power Of Leadership .
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Welcome to the Agel Diamond Lifestyle
If you want to know more about our business, and how You can be living the Agel Diamond Lifestyle, then go check out our website at; BUILDING DYNAMIC FUTURES Perhaps we can change your life too! We have already done that for thousands of people... now it's your turn!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Truth Unveiled About New Media Marketing
So the “buzzwords” of today is all about New Media Marketing. I thought I’d give some attention today to this topic and give my viewpoints.
Wikipedia defines New Media Marketing as follows:
“New Media Marketing is a relatively new concept utilized by businesses in developing an online community, which allows satisfied customers to congregate and extol the virtues of a particular brand. In most cases, the online community includes mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts, message boards, and product reviews, all of which contribute to a transparent forum to post praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions.
One of the primary arguments to promote New Media Marketing is the premise that traditional advertising is losing its influence on consumers. Backed by statistical evidence demonstrating a growing trend of consumers making purchasing decisions off Internet research and referrals. These advocates strongly adhere to the notion that consumers are more inclined to believe feedback from like-minded peers than corporate marketing verbiage dispersed through traditional television, radio, direct mail, or newspaper advertising.
New Media Marketing is most effectively marketed by Internet-driven technology such as blogs,RSS,Web video productions, and podcasts.”
OK, let’s get real here…New Media, the internet, radio… frankly; any media is nothing more than a channel of communication, which is just a conduit through which content, and connection flow.
Unfortunately, many people buy into the dream of riches through “internet marketing,” or the mistaken belief that “links” and “attention” through New Media channels will automatically bring them riches. They look to turn a “channel”, into a source of money itself.
As most of you know, my wife Ann and I are professional Network Marketers and Coaches. One of the best ways to get the word out about your company and business to people is through the power of the internet. We are believers and promoters of not just using the tried and true “old methods” of Network Marketing, but know and believe strongly, that unless you learn about Marketing, you’ll be working yourself into a frenzy with chasing after friends, family and the local dry cleaner and postman.
We teach people about the science of marketing…using a System to attract people to you like a magnet. We’re all searching for people who are looking…for what we have to offer. What can be better than being in touch with the many millions of people who are searching on the internet for EXACTLY what we are promoting?
The first thing you need to understand is that success is no mystery. Success is no "secret" locked up in some cave that you will never discover. In fact...the secret to success is so simple, so 'in front of most people's faces', that they miss it completely.
What we are about to share with you makes real sense. It will resonate in your heart, and in your mind, because it's the absolute REAL information we have learned over the past 20 years...that has made us millions of dollars.
And if you take what we are about to share with you to heart...there is no way in heck you can't create as much success as we've had, if not more.
So "what's the secret", you ask?
It's actually two things. In order to build the lifestyle of your dreams, and create a walk away residual income that pays you for the rest of your life, you need to master these two things: 1. Marketing, and 2. Leadership.
That’s it my friends. And when you LEARN how to be a master marketer, able to command the exact people you need to grow a huge business right to you, You can make an absolute fortune.
When you top that off with REAL leadership, personal development, and psychological branding will be a force for success more powerful than a hurricane.
So what exactly are we going to teach you...
Let's get something straight first ... when you follow along, and allow us to coach you, you will be introduced to the business model we are building right now...that is creating us mammoth amounts of wealth.
We're going to show you how you are at the absolute perfect timing to build a profitable business for yourself, and then how you can partner up with us to get the real marketing and leadership coaching you need to be massively successful.
But before we show you the same systems, strategies, teachings, and trainings we're using right have to understand why it's so important you partner up with people who TRULY have value to offer you...and can show you what's working in our world right now to build successful businesses.
Never have to call someone who isn’t interested in your business again and how to explode your business without having to resort to painful and unwanted cold calls. And, imagine when you do call people, half of them are excited you are even calling them. When was the last time you called a prospect and they knew who you were, why you were calling, and were impressed that they were getting the chance to talk with you?
You see, we KNOW that the essence of every successful business in the world is learning how to Market. Once you learn how to market, you can create an endless amount of resources to grow your business at will...and that is exactly what we are going to teach you how to do.
Do you know what happens when ALL your prospects get funneled through the same streamlined marketing system? It means you get a Big Fat Paycheck each and every month. That's the magic of learning how to be a real marketer...and using these cutting edge strategies we're going to show you. You can create cash flow on demand...
We fully understand that reading information is FAR different from getting that information from the horses’ mouth...
Its one thing to read about the knowledge and opportunity we have to offer's an entirely different thing for us to communicate directly. In truth, that's where the real magic happens . That's when you know whether you resonate...whether you found your teachers and guide you to real success.
The sole reason we're fact the only real reason business even to help people get what they want. So let us know how we can help you.
It's time to reach out and GO AFTER what you want in life. You can take action steps right now, that will systematically move you closer to your goals of reaching massive financial success.
You can partner up with us right now...and start getting our expert mentorship and guidance immediately.
Folks, it’s now time to separate the merely CURIOUS who are just looking, from the TRULY SERIOUS who want to be part of our Mastermind Team.
Opportunity is pounding on your door right now... ready to break it down in fact. Will you answer?
So what’s your next step? Go visit our website; and fill out the information at the bottom of the page to get started with our exclusive group and welcome to your life transformation...
Wishing you the best of success,
Ann & David
Building a Dynamic Future,
David & Ann Feinstein
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Gel Monopoly
We don't know about you but we are here to invest the next few years of our life into something, and walk away with a residual income that continues to pour in month after month whether we get out of bed or not.
So why do you think that the Wellness industry, renown economist Paul Zane Pilzer has declared that is The Most prime time piece of real estate to lay the foundations for a business in the world right now? It’s because it is the fastest growing industry in the world… right now!
In business, Timing is everything. You want to be positioned in front of major trends. You don't want to create trends…you want to be able to move in and capture a portion of exploding trends when they are happening. By positioning yourself in front of the right trends, you have the ability to set yourself up financially for life.
The wellness industry grows over $250 million dollars each and every single day. And…it's on track to be the next annual $1 trillion dollar industry by the year 2012 as Pilzer is predicting as “The Perfect Storm of Opportunity”. An unprecedented amount of growth is occurring right now, and hundreds of billions of dollars to trillions of dollars will be spent on wellness in the next 5 years alone.
Do you have a way to capture a portion of the fastest growing industry in the world? This is where you say YES. I DO.
It's called Agel Enterprises. The products are based on an amazing scientific breakthrough that has created an entirely new product category, so the market potential is way beyond enormous. Yet, it’s a simple concept that makes so much sense; that people "get” it right away. Everyone in the world will benefit from the products and just one use makes that clear to them. This will be a multi-billion-dollar product category, and this company has the first mover advantage in the marketplace.
Imagine making taking proper nutrition easy, convenient and fun.
Think about it: no glasses, no super-sized pills, no waterlogged juices, no ineffective sprays and creams-just pure, highly concentrated nutrients in an easy-to-take, readily absorbed gel pack. You simply grip, rip and sip!
The impact this technology is having globally in the market place is staggering. How many people do you think would like to throw out those awful pills and powders? How many people do you think would find it easy and convenient to just rip open a small gel pack and get their daily nutrition?
How many people out of the $100 Billion+ annual supplement industry do you think would like to know if the money they spend on supplements is a total waste or doing something to make them healthier?
We have a monopoly on the Nutritional Gel marketplace! With our first to market “Gel Suspension Technology” that is taking the world by storm! This has never happened before. .How many people out of this MASSIVE industry do you think will gravitate towards the only nutritional company in the world that provides nutrition in gel form?
You stand to make a fortune if you can recognize what is taking place here and then take action. We are here to mentor you to success and help to show you how you do this business.
We have a 100% rock solid system of building this business,that you are able to simply plug into. If you are determined and coachable, you can create the lifestyle you have always wanted for yourself. That's what this business allows.
You can ignore all this information. That's fine. Your life will stay exactly as it is now. Or you can Join Us and take ownership of your life and the direction it is heading. We would rather you join us. We love meeting and building relationships with people, and working together to achieve all our goals.
You can give us a call here:
You can investigate this Nutritional Gel Monopoly even deeper here:
The world of wellness has never seen anything like this. The good we will be able to do in the world as we simplify the daily task of enjoying nutrition has never been easier…you simply grip, rip and sip!
We will do even more good because one thing you will notice about this business is that it attracts GOOD and positive people. And as good and positive people have the wealth this opportunity creates flow to them, we will be able to do even more good throughout the world with that.
This business will change your life. Join us as we explode over the next few years and create a lifetime income from our initial efforts of being a part of the Gel Nutrition Monopoly.
Building a Dynamic Future,
David & Ann Feinstein
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Agel Enterprises....Forging New Paths To Profits On The Internet
Now that work at home online business opportunities are becoming more mainstream, more men and women are feeling secure about heading into the waters of Internet income and seeing how they fare.
Unfortunately for many, they’re setting sail without a compass – without any idea of how to get from point A to point B; Those who have succeeded are the ones who latch on to innovative mentors that know one thing many other would-be entrepreneurs do not get;
You have to have a system in place to snowball your efforts and elevate you from average earner to seven-figure stardom.
If you flutter around from one business opportunity to the next, blindly spinning your wheels, you will never succeed.
You have to have two elements that are crucial to helping you meet your goals:
1.) You have to have a system that works; It does not mean anything if you have the greatest product or service to promote in the world if there is no marketing plan in place to help you tap into a niche and wield your expertise for maximum profit potential.
2.) A great product or service to drip into that system and generate results with; There are so many products that are promoted with great systems, but the refund rate cancels out their success.
We at Building Dynamic Futures have developed the 1-2 punch you need to steamroll the competition and blaze into a fast-developing niche as a pioneer ready and able to meet the needs of millions of consumers.Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Agel Business Opportunity: The Hottest Opportunity Available Today!
In life opportunity is boundless. Spin around pointing your index finger and it’s nearly guaranteed that when you stop – an opportunity for something is going to be in front of you – that’s if you’re conditioned to spot that opportunity. It’s the law of abundance working in your favor all the time.
One thing however that the proponents of this law forget to mention is that not all opportunity is equal. Some opportunities trump others, plain and simple. The unfortunate part of it is that the one’s that are dominant in reward are usually the one’s that come along least.
The key to finding those is the key to finding the unique opportunities with the potential, or better yet the guarantee, to revolutionize an industry or marketplace. Even better is to find them when they’re in their infancy…sort of the clichéd “ground floor opportunity”.
In this world right now, there are a few of those opportunities available. But the other secret to finding truly great business opportunities that can make you financially independent, if not wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, is being privy to these opportunities. Depending where you are on the economic ladder some opportunities are available to you and some simply are not. That’s just the way the world is and there’s really no need to fight it.
For those who aren’t at the top of the ladder, there is an opportunity for you right now to join a revolutionary home business opportunity that is creating a fire storm and not only changing the financial lives of people who are involved in the opportunity itself, but also changing the lives of those people who are consuming the revolutionary and ground-breaking products that the company has to offer.
The company – “ Agel Enterprises”. – has become to many a great bastion of hope for those looking to join a home business opportunity, or start their own business. This is because of the potential that it has to make them wildly wealthy without the need for a business background or bucket loads of money to get started.
Beyond that, it’s the chance to be in front of a uniquely tremendous opportunity that’s turning out to be the HOTTEST opportunity on the planet as we speak, and it fits the criteria mentioned above where it’s revolutionizing – in essence – two industries and is unique in it’s marketplace, which happens to be the over $80 Billion Dollar health and wellness marketplace.
Now, if you can just imagine the fact that it’s an opportunity not reserved for the wealthiest business people who are only privy to the greatest of the great opportunities, but to the everyday person who just wants to change their lives, and obtain what they know is possible and what they deserve. It’s available to YOU, today.
“ Agel Enterprises”. is a network marketing company that’s like no other in the way that they compensate their representatives. They’ve made it so that if you’re willing to do some ground work, and be trained on precisely what to do, that no matter what your experience in the industry you can benefit and benefit handsomely both monetarily and lifestyle wise. They’ve revolutionized the compensation plan so that it takes the best of the industries top four plans, combines them, and does away with what doesn’t work. That’s innovation at the highest level and it benefits the person new to the industry as well as the more experienced.
Agel’s leadership is undeniably dynamic and industry-shattering from the corporate level to the top distributorship level. There’s really no reason why anyone cannot succeed in this business if they listen to the leaders in the company and ride the opportunity to its fullest level.
The product is not one that needs to be hard sold. In fact it’s so ground-breaking, so convenient, and beneficial to consumers that it could easily be a stand alone product that virtually sells itself. The proprietary gelceutical nutritional products make it simple for anyone to consume on the go, and is natural and full of life changing health benefits. These products are great tasting, as well as easily and quickly absorbed into the body making it a life changing product that people will want to reorder over and over again.
If you’ve been looking for that one opportunity that you can be proud of being involved with, and can likely change your financial life forever, you’ve found it with Agel…You simply have to take the next step and take action for yourself. Join now while the opportunity is still“ hot, hot, hot!”.
If you’re tired of looking and want to really take your future seriously, then checking in with Ann and David Feinstein about the home business opportunity that they have partnered up with may be the best move you could possibly make right this minute. Building Dynamic .
Monday, February 11, 2008
Have you Given Up Hope or Are you Ready to Succeed?
Everyday people around the world wake up in agony for many different reasons. One of the most common reasons in many societies is the fact that life a person’s life hasn’t gone as planned. A person who’s realized that they haven’t fulfilled their dreams is very often easy to spot. Slumped shoulders, often looking down, not looking into people’s eyes…it’s apparent in there every move and sometimes we feel very sorry for them – or perhaps worse you identify with them.
Are you in the same situation?
Have you been searching for business opportunities because you haven’t fulfilled your dreams of life? Because you know that there’s something better lying ahead for you…you can see the light at the end of the tunnel that so many people can’t?
Well if so then it’s time for you to raise your head, un-slouch your shoulders, and start feeling proud of yourself again. If for no other reason then for the fact that you haven’t given up! Because obviously you’re reading this article because you’ve still got enough fuel to at least look and hope, even if languidly at times.
The great thing is that you’ve possibly just stumble onto something incredible with this article and you don’t even realize it yet. More about that in a minute…
First let’s talk about you?
Let’s talk about why you haven’t found your golden business opportunity yet? Why it’s been so elusive to you so far. The truth is that if you’re online (which you apparently are since you’re reading this) then business opportunities are all over the place. Business opportunities are available to you from all over the globe. So why haven’t you dedicated yourself to one yet?
There are many reasons why you may not have – maybe you’ve even tried and have failed – but it’s time to put that all behind you, forgive yourself and listen up!
Right now there is, right in your country a revolutionary business opportunity that’s taking the whole world at record speed. What does this mean to you? Well it means that you’ve got the opportunity to be in the front of something spectacular because actually this is just in its infantile stages, and will keep growing for sometimes.
What’s even more spectacular is that out of all the Portugal business opportunities, this one gives you a huge edge because of one very important aspect. Two of the most successful individuals, Ann and David Feinstein, are willing to take you by the hand and show you exactly how they’ve succeeded with this business opportunity, and let you in on all their secrets to succeed as well.
The only thing is that you have to be prepared to work hard and learn and use their system step by step or else they don’t want to work with you at all.
Why should you listen to Ann and David? That’s very simple to answer. For the past 20 + years they’ve been creating success story after success story…not just their own but also the other’s that they’ve trained…and they’re the top in their field at what they do. They’re hugely successful, financially independent, and are looking to work with people who want to be that way too.
If this sounds like you…if you feel this is your lucky day…then you need to click ASAP over to Building Dynamic and let Ann and David know you’re interested while there are still spots left. There are only so many people at a time that they’re willing to give their precious time and secrets too. If you’re serious about your future, and tired of looking for business opportunities that don’t offer much hope for the future, then go now and learn more about Ann and David Feinstein.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Top 10 Reasons to Join a Make Money from Home Network Marketing Company
It’s a sad fact that every single day, tons of people go to their jobs hating the fact that they are forced to be somewhere and do something all day that they don’t like. Even those that do actually like their jobs are frustrated because of all of the hard work that they’re doing, with little reward.
If either one of these sounds like you it’s because you are human and you have a dream to have a better more fulfilling life , which basically means a dream to have freedom both financially and emotionally.
So what’s the easiest way to go about this? The simple fact is that your very best bet is to make money from home, which in my opinion means joining a Work from Home Network Marketing Company. There are many reasons for this, and so I’ve outlined the top 10 reasons for you here.
1) Huge Income Potential: Your limit is self contained, meaning that your income can become as large as you like it to be, depending on the work that you’re willing to put in. It’s a different ballgame from the 9 to 5 job where no matter how much work you do, no matter how much blood, sweat, and tears that you shed; your income level stays the same. There is no ceiling on your income potential, only the ceiling that you create for yourself.
2) Residual Income : This is the best type of income because it’s the type that keeps coming no matter if you’re working or not. This doesn’t mean that it’s automatic however! There is work involved, but the beauty is the leverage, where your efforts combined with the efforts of your downline make your income exponentially growing.
3) You Get to Work from the comfort of your own home: There’s really nothing better than working from the comfort of your own home. Just imagine a day where the alarm clock is going off and you look outside and it’s raining. Now imagine taking a nice deep breath and realizing that you don’t have to go out in that at all. It’s exhilarating and the thrill is a constant reminder of gratitude.
4) Amazing Products (potentially for free): Most Work from Home network marketing companies. (though not all…do your homework) have superior products. Often these products become free when your income becomes balanced with the cost of the products. With nutritional supplements this means having the opportunity to become much healthier with cutting edge products for a tiny fraction of the normal cost at the most. It’s one of the great benefits!
5) Relationships, Partnerships, and Friendships Formed: Network Marketing is a people business, and you truly cannot help but create strong bonds and partnerships within the industry. You’ll find that potential clients and business partners soon become friends and basically an extended family!
6) Training: If you’re fortunate – and you should really do the due diligence and make yourself fortunate (meaning that you’ll research both the company and your recruiting upline) – you’ll get some of the best training in the world. This training will include sales training, communication skills, as well as very important persuasion skills which will help you in all areas of your life.
7) Self Improvement: You’ll have to step outside of yourself over and over, push yourself to new limits, and actually reap the rewards for it!
8) Travel: Many top level network marketers enjoy traveling very often both for business and for pleasure. You may actually have business partners both upline and downline that live abroad in different states or countries. Just as well, very often part of doing well with a good network marketing company is rewards by the company itself.
9) Independence: We all want to be independent both financially and emotionally, and ideally these two things go hand in hand. Learning the skills that you’ll learn with Network Marketing will take you to new heights, and you’ll own a skill-set that could potentially put you in a position where you can virtually make money on demand for the rest of your life. Just imagine the effect that this will have on you emotionally. Basically it’s like taking a ten ton...well burden off of your shoulders.
10) Tax Benefits : There are tremendous tax benefits to be enjoyed from having your own business and working out of your home. As long as you abide by all laws, you can write off many of your travel expenses, deductions for your home office, etc. It’s important however to consult with a professional and learn exactly what rights that you have as the laws change very rapidly.
To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to help you “supercharge” and to build your network marketing business correctly, Visit us at Building Dynamic Futures today and see how we can catapult you to the top 10% of earners on the 'net today!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
MLM On Internet Steroids
About 40 years ago when I had been in the Army Reserves, I was stationed in Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana to receive some advanced training. I was one of the first to learn about the advent of computers and the future that lay in my hands at that time.
Little did I know that one day there would be this powerful and awesome technology called the Internet and how it would be impacting my life and business.
For the past 20 years my wife Ann and I have been home business entrepreneurs and have helped thousands of people around the world to achieve great success in the MLM industry. Over the last several years as the Internet has developed and accessibility for everyone has gotten easier, so has the opportunity for us to utilize this wonderful technology to build our Internet driven Network Marketing business.
It has created major ground breaking potential for the entire MLM industry that’s never existed.
Today there are Billions of people worldwide who are discovering new and unique ways to market their business through the power of the Internet and now have the ability to potentially access and tap into these Billions of people to market their network marketing business opportunity.
The MLM industry has been built primarily the “old fashioned” way… people to people. With the advent of the Internet this idea of “people to people” can be done through the creation and use of websites and emails that “speak” to the MLM prospects. And now you can develop relationships with people right on the Internet to take a look at your business opportunity and once they’ve done so, you can then speak with them by phone to help them get started.
Well, no matter how and through what medium (be it the Internet or “belly to belly”), there are really only two things that you need to do to achieve success in network marketing.
• You want to generate a HUGE amount of excited and interested prospects who are interested in what you have to offer and you want to build a relationship with them.
• You want to “sift” these prospects through a well developed marketing system (let’s call it a Funnel)… and the system will separate those that want only your products from those who want to become a Team Member of your Company with you as their sponsor and finally those who decide to say NO, after all coming out the end of the marketing funnel.
With a well designed funnel marketing system you can have as many prospects in front of you as you can handle because of the technology and advantages of utilizing the power of the Internet. Frankly, it becomes what is referred to as a “numbers game” and using the Internet power and technology, you can create what is known as a “lead capture or squeeze page” which can help to capture these leads coming right to you.
So what’s next you’re asking? Then it’s about marketing… that’s right, you need to market the heck out of your website pages. All the marketing will help to drive potential prospects into your well designed marketing funnel and will help to create a massive supply of leads for your business.
By applying these principles and using the techniques of what I refer to as “funnel marketing”, we have built our current MLM business into over 20 countries with about 28,000 team members strong in just under 2 years. Now it’s your turn to LEARN how to be a master marketer, able to command the exact people you need to grow a huge business right to you.
To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to help you “supercharge” and to build your network marketing business correctly, Visit us at Building Dynamic Futures today and see how we can catapult you to the top 10% of earners on the 'net today!